Information for Parents
What should your child do after their GCSEs?
Students can leave school at the end of year 11.
Student must then choose whether to:
- stay in full-time education - for example at school, sixth form college, further education college or University Technical College (UTC)
- start an apprenticeship or traineeship
- spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering while also doing part-time education or training
All 16 - 18 year olds must choose one of these options - there MUST be an element of training if a student chooses to start working when they leave school.
Your local authority has a duty to make sure you are offered a suitable place at a college, sixth form, apprenticeship or other suitable provider by the end of September. This is known as the September Guarantee. At St. Michael's our Career Connect advisors will support each student to secure their September Guarantee.
If your child leaves school, but doesn't settle at their new college in September, please contact the local authority where you live for support in securing an alternative place quickly.
For information on the 16-19 bursary, please click here.
If you have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan, you can get support to choose your next steps and extra help when you are in education, training or work. Students with an EHCP will receive additional careers guidance during their time at St. Michael's.