Uniform and Equipment
Why do our students wear a uniform?
At St. Michael’s we believe that uniform promotes a sense of pride and belonging in our school, as well as promoting a ‘dressed for business’ approach to prepare students for the world of work.
Our uniform is practical, safe and smart; It helps us and others to identify our students in the school and in the wider community.
Wearing a set uniform also prevents students from coming to the academy in fashion or ‘designer’ label clothes that could be distracting in class or create a sense of competition. Having the same uniform creates a culture of equality and inclusion, and reduces the pressure that students may put on their parents/carers to purchase expensive branded clothing and accessories.
We have worked hard to ensure that our uniform is good value for money.
Developing responsibility, organisation, and a sense of pride in our community are essential if our students are to flourish spiritually, academically and personally during their time at school, and beyond.
All of our uniform, except for the sew-on school badge, school tie, school bag and PE polo shirt, can be purchased from supermarkets and online shops.
If a student arrives at school without the correct uniform, they will be given a 30-minute standards detention the same day (and de-merit points). The student will then be given 3 options:
Borrow an item of uniform temporarily. The item will need to be returned at the end of the school day during their detention.
A pastoral colleague will phone a parent/carer to ask for the correct uniform to be brought into school as soon as possible. The student will be kept out of lessons until they are in full correct uniform.
Purchase the correct item of uniform from the school shop using their merit points.
If a student arrives at school or is seen in school with an item that is not permitted (e.g. baseball cap, incorrect earrings, hairbrush, mobile phone, smartwatch etc), the item will be confiscated and stored until a parent or carer can collect the item. The student will be given a 30-minute standards detention the same day.
If a student comes to school with inappropriate makeup, hair, or nails, they will be supported to correct the error (e.g. makeup wipes, nail polish remover). If the issue is not easily resolvable we will contact home to ask for your support, and the student will be kept out of lessons until the issue can be resolved.
Further details, including examples of acceptable footwear, are in the document below:
So that our students can get started with their learning quickly each lesson, and so that our students develop good habits which will prepare them for the world of work, we ask that all students bring the following equipment to each lesson:
A clear pencil case
At least one ballpoint pen (black or dark blue)
At least one pencil
Whiteboard pen
15cm (or 30cm) ruler
At least one ballpoint red pen
Scientific calculator (FX-83/85GTX)
Water bottle
Reading book
All of this equipment is available to be purchased from the school shop each morning before school. Equipment packs will also be available for pre-purchase via ParentPay. These packs will be available for collection the next day.
If a student arrives at school or at a lesson without the correct equipment, they will be given a 30-minute standards detention the same day (and de-merit points). The student will then be able to purchase the correct item of equipment from the school shop using their merit points before joining their lessons.