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St Michael's Church of England
High School




Our SEND provision underpins everything we do at St Michael's to ensure that our learning community is truly inclusive. We want all our students to grow in 'wisdom and stature' by valuing that which is unique in every child and we ensure that students with SEN or disabilities are supported and nurtured to enable them to flourish and reach their potential.

At St Michael's High, we are proud to be part of such a diverse student community where we strive to meet the needs of all students and we have high aspirations for all.

At St Michael's we support students with a wide range of challenges, identified in all four catergories of need. Communication and language e.g: Autism (ASC), Congnition and Learning e.g: Dyslexia, Social Emotional and Mental Health e.g: ADHD, and Sensory.Physical.

We have a team of TA’s and support staff, as well as access to a range of internal and external specialist staff, who support students with accessing the curriculum, as well as developing skills for life.

St Michael's High currently has two resource based provisions within the mainstream school supporting ASC and Cognition and Learning. The allocation to these provisions is through Sefton local authority and students require an EHCP. These provisions function within the mainstream environment and allow students to access the mainstream curriculum and lessons, promoting independence.

In addition to our resource based provision, we are currently developing additional provision for students who have an EHCP but may not access the ASC or Cognition and Learning bases.  These small group, learning spaces, enable students to access small group teaching, with students who are working at a similar level academically/emotionally and who require similar adaptations.  At St Michaels High, our students are also able to access adaptive learning resources through our on site farm.


Any enquiries regarding the SEND provision at St Michael's High, please contact:-

Miss K Boal (SENCO)  

Mrs C Middleton (Assitant SENCO) 


Further information regarding SEND provision at St Michael's High, can be found in the documents below.

Sefton Parent Forum

For further information please contact Miss K Boal (Assistant Head for Inclusion/SENDCo) or Mrs C Middleton (Assistant SENDCo) 



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Contact Us

St Michael's Road, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 7UL

Telephone: 0151 924 6778
