Our Vision
Our Vision Statement
Building on the foundation of Luke 2:52, “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature,” students and staff grow spiritually, personally and academically as Christ did. By embodying our Christian values of Love, Peace, Forgiveness, Courage and Equality, we flourish in a caring Christian community enabling achievement for all God's children.
We visually represent our Vision through our memorable Vision Tree.
Our Christian foundation is at the heart of our school community. St Michael's Vision is built upon Luke 2:52, "Jesus grew in wisdom and stature" (J^W+S).
Just as Christ did, we desire all in our school community to flourish in both these aspects of life:
- Growing in Wisdom - our knowledge, learning, and academic achievement
- Growing in Stature - our personal, moral, and spiritual development
This is the root of everything that we do, and it is reflected in the two branches of life at St Michael's: 'wisdom' and academic growth, and 'stature' and personal growth. By focusing on both of these aspects, we can ensure that we are developing well-rounded young people who are able to go out into the world and flourish.
Our Values
Through this comes the fruit of our 5 Christian Values of Courage, Peace, Forgiveness, Equality and Love. Our Values inspire and enable all members of our school community to flourish in everything we do, with students being awarded half-termly for displaying our Values through their actions and attitudes, and also for staff who champion these Values.
To find out more about our Values, click below:
We take pride in challenging our students to reach their full potential in every area of their lives to see 'Achievement for All'.
To live out our Vision is to display our Values in all that we do and say; to show our 'faith in action'. Whether this be through charity and voluntary work, day-to-day in our classrooms and on our corridors, or representing our school within the wider community.
There are many ways in which we encourage our students to explore their faith and beliefs; not only through our curriculum, but through varying activities and events such as extra-curricular clubs and daily Collective Worship.