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St Michael's Church of England High School home page

St Michael's Church of England
High School


Meet our Christian Ethos Team


Josh Higham

School Chaplain

Josh is our full-time School Chaplain, guiding students through the ups and downs of life and pointing them to Jesus. As well as co-ordinating Collective Worship and organising whole-group charity events with our Make A Difference group, Josh also co-leads our Worship Band and Big Questions Club, and directs our school musical.

Mrs C McIntyre

Head of School

As Head of School, a key part of Mrs McIntyre's role within St Michael's is to ensure that our Christian Vision is impacting all of school life. Mrs McIntyre chairs termly Ethos Committee meetings, where staff and governors seek to review and enhance our effectiveness in allowing all in our school family to grow in wisdom and stature, just as Jesus did.

Make A Difference (MAD)

Student group

Our Make A Difference group is made up of Year 10 students who gives up their time to serve our school family and our wider community. Their work displays our Christian Values as they show our Christian Ethos in action.


Click HERE to find out more about MAD.

Worship Leaders

Student group

Our Worship Leaders are students volunteers who are a key part of our Christian Ethos team. As well as helping form tutors to lead morning form-time worship, they also help create and deliver Collective Worship and whole-school church services.


Click HERE to find out more about worship at St Michael's.

Helen Hunter

Reader at St Michael's Blundellsands

Helen is a Reader at St Michael's Bludellsands, as well as serving as one of our school governors. Helen often helps lead our Christmas and Easter Services which we hold at the church, and has delivered Communion services and Agape Meals within school.


Click HERE to find out more about our links with St Michael's Blundellsands church.


The Chapel

The Chapel is a warm and inviting room at the heart of the school which has been decorated and designed with help from our students. It provides students and staff the space and opportunity chance to relax, reflect, and pray.

St Michael's Church of England High School logo

Contact Us

St Michael's Road, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 7UL

Telephone: 0151 924 6778
