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St Michael's Church of England High School home page

St Michael's Church of England
High School

Hope University

In 2014 St Michael's formed a partnership with Hope University in Liverpool. This partnership aims to raise aspiration for students to reach University education if they wish to pursue academic excellence.

Regular visits to the splendid campus inspires our students to aim high and to consider their life choices post-18.

We are delighted that we are able to receive student teachers from Hope who come to St Michael's to see best practice in a variety of subjects areas.


Why Hope?

We believe that Hope University shares the same nurturing Christian ethos as us. They are small enough to be able to cherish their students as we do here at St Michael's whilst providing high standards of academic excellence and student satisfaction (Currently rated 2nd)

We look forward to deepening our relationship in future years as we work together for the young people in our community.

St Michael's Church of England High School logo

Contact Us

St Michael's Road, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 7UL

Telephone: 0151 924 6778
