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St Michael's Church of England
High School

Courageous Advocacy

Thought Bubble | COURAGEOUS ADVOCACY (Season 2 Episode 15)

For us at St Michael's, "Courageous Advocacy" is all about taking the initiative to make a difference. It is speaking against injustice, working for equity, standing out from those who will not act themselves, and standing up for those who cannot stand for themselves. It is transforming our environment and community for the better. Courageous Advocacy is what we hope to see grow in our students, and at St Michael's this is lived out in various forms and many ways:


Values Services

Every term we recognise and award our students for taking the initiative in living out our 5 Christian Values of Love, Courage, Peace, Forgiveness, and Equality, inviting parents to come and celebrate with us. From stepping in to stop a conflict between friends or raising money for charity, to volunteering to help good causes within school and outside of school or going the extra mile to help others, so many of our students demonstrate what it means to be a Courageous Advocate.

Find out more about our Values Services here:


Within the school we have our Make A Difference (MAD) group who work alongside the Chaplaincy to serve others both in and around school. From litter-picking around the local streets to organising charity events, the MAD group works to make a difference in our community.

Along with our Eco Club and Farm Club, we are a school who is committed to making the environment around us a better place to live in.

Each year students make the effort to reach out to our local community, particularly around Christmas time where MAD, the Music Department, and kitchen staff come together to hold a Christmas Community Lunch for the elderly residents of Crosby, along with carol concerts at local Nursing homes and shopping centres. To find out more about our annual Christmas Community Lunch, click below to see the work we do with St Michael's Blundellsands Church:


Pupil Leadership Teams

Our Pupil Leadership Team has been created to give students the opportunity to use Courageous Advocacy in making changes in our school environment based on the thoughts and needs of the students themselves. Each year group has a Pupil Leader and Deputy Pupil Leader. These students were voted into position by their peers and represent their year group at meetings held with our Head of School and Senior Leadership Team.


Charities We Support

At St Michael’s we support a number of local and national charities throughout the year. In recent years’ students have raised money through a variety of different methods including – Whole school charity days – cake sales, wristband sales, sports challenges, staff events, music concerts, sponsored events, online fundraising events. Etc.

Our students are very thoughtful of others and raise an amazing amount of money each year, charities supported in recent years include:


Children in Need, Comic Relief, Macmillan, Save the Children, Christian Aid, Young Minds, Toilet Twinning, Support for a link school in Uganda, Breast Cancer charity, Show Racism The Red Card, The British Legion, Alzheimer's Society, and more.


Many students take it upon themselves to organise events or raise money outside of the formally organised charity events in school and many students help and support local groups and organisations with volunteering.


Sixth Form Fundraising

Our Sixth Form students have raised £1000 in a year through their work on the Archbishop of York award. This is broken down into a £300 contribution for Toilet Twinning, £150 contribution for a local food bank, £50 for the eco club and £150 for the farm and then some money going into Sixth Form for an event.


A Sticky Situation for Comic Relief

The Masked Musicians: THE REVEAL

Found By You (Lyric Video) || Make A Difference Day 2021

An original song written for St. Michael's Make A Difference Day 2021.

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Contact Us

St Michael's Road, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 7UL

Telephone: 0151 924 6778
